The Lovers

Normally, this card refers to a strong love relationship. However, this card also refers to personal beliefs and values; today, I believe this card should be read re: the latter meanings.
Last night, I once again found out that my other journal had been compromised. Without going into all the drama-infused details, it happened because there is either 1) someone on my friends list who is still actively stabbing me in the back or 2) someone who just can't let bygones be bygones and feels the need to electronically stalk me day after day, week after week, because of my own personal belief/value system.
I am often quite frank in my journal. Heck, it's my journal. I prefer typing to handwriting, so it's quite cathartic for me to just let it all out via the keyboard. However, my sometimes unpopular opinions get me in hot water with the LJ trolls. So, frick them. I found a new place to let it all hang out. I can go commando here on Blogger and not feel any of the repurcussions I get on LiveJournal.
I've discovered, the hard way, that I can't be responsible for people who refuse to grow up. Some people take the opinions of others much too seriously. Well, as I said "frick them." As for me and my opinions, we've moved elsewhere.
Oh mind you, the move didn't happen because I'm scared of them. Or intimidated by them. No, they're just starting to bore me with their drama.
And we all know, the Queen of Swords hates to be bored.
At 11:25 AM,
Scoot said…
I know exactly hw you feel cos I had some trolls trying and trying really hard to damage my rep.They did manage to give me about five nervous breakdowns.I was outnumbered.what the heck!!treated like an animal.Infact i really don't know how i passed all that.I was suicidal about seven times in two years.I don't know how i survived.
But dont bother about them.they cant touch us.
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