Page of Ghosts

I asked it a question about my current situation. I pulled the Page of Ghosts (cups).
By looking at the card, I couldn't really tell what the card is all about. There's a boy in a ghost costume, staring at a cup with a fish coming out of it. I'm not really sure what the fish stands for; the card is similar in the Rider-Waite deck as well, with a fish coming out of a cup.
I really received no initial intuitive response... which I've come to know means HELPER CARD.
And the helper card is: Two of Pumpkins (pentacles).
I turned to a source to gleen more information about the Page of Ghosts. One sentence really stood out: "The Page of Cups can also stand for a child or young-at-heart adult whose interactions with you involve emotional needs, moodiness, love, intimacy or spirituality." I've been dealing with someone who is very childish in nature, and not in a good way. Their maturity level is childish, and when dealing with this person, I sometimes resort to a bit of childish behavior myself, because acting like an adult doesn't get me anywhere.
Of course, acting like a child doesn't, either.
The Two of Pumpkins is a card of balance and fun. It shows a jester juggling two pumpkins... but the pumpkins are within a band, so the jester is not going to lose either pumpkin.
I had a bit of fun in dealing with this childish person, but I believe this card is telling me to remember that while fun is good, it might be time to back off. Balance is the key.
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