It's In The Cards

Consulting the cards has become a way of life for me. This is the place where I write about my readings, their meanings, and all other types of divination.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sun, Moon, Stars

I'm trying a new spread tonight: Sun, Moon, Stars. I'm using my Halloween Tarot deck...

Let's see what I've got:

1) Sun - What you see clearly
Card: Queen of Bats (Swords)

The Queen of Swords represents me. And, over the last few days, I've really seen myself clearly. I wish others would, too, instead of relying on what someone else says about me. But you know... that's life. Some people don't think with their own heads... they are easily swayed by the lies of others.

2) Moon - What you're having a hard time seeing.
Card: Four of Imps (Wands)

This shows two couples. They look like they're dancing. This is a card of excitement & celebration & freedom. What I'm not seeing is that there is a certain freedom that comes from losing certain people and/or situations from my life.

3)Stars - What you wish will happen.
Queen of Imps (Wands)

Wow. Queen of Imps. Obviously, I WISH I was that woman... the one that everyone likes. The one that is involved in everything. I'm not that person, and I probably never will be.

Is wishing to be so such a bad thing, though?


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