Deck: Tarot of White Cats
Morning: Ten of Cups
Cups. The suit of emotions. This card shows a happy family. All is well. Not sure how this actually relates to my morning, except that I did send off a card to my parents this morning. Maybe that will have some significance on their end that I'm not aware of.
Afternoon: Eight of Cups
This is going to be an emotion-filled day! Of course, the first card stands means peace & joy. And so far, my morning has been relatively peaceful.
Eight of Cups, on the other hand, is a card that shows a cat on a journey. He is weary... you can see it in his stance. I am sometimes weary on the job... it feels like I am going nowhere fast. Reno is not the kind of place where opportunities abound. I think of finding another job, but realize that I probably won't have it as good as I have it here... and that's kind of sad, because I don't have it so good here! But, the people are nice and the three-day weekends are nothing to sneeze at. Still... it can be a wearisome trek at times.
Evening: The Hierophant
I think I've pulled this card enough lately to finally remember its meaning all on my own. This card is all about learning, beliefs, and conformity. Interestingly enough, I bought an excellent book about Celtic Christianity that I hope to delve into tonight... again, more searching. More research. More learning.
Verdict on this spread? It's okay. I'll review it against how my day was tomorrow and see if it's one I'll do again.
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