Tarot To Go!

What I found was this little Tarot To Go! set, featuring a miniature version of the Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck, a deck I've been coveting for some time now. At $7.95, the price was right, so I decided right then and there the set was mine.
I ran into a bit of luck at B&N. My Risting Tradition instructor was there, working the till. He called me over, and gave me a discount on the set. Woohoo!
When I got home, I broke open the set. The cards are simply lovely. I'm not sure they'll replace Tarot of White Cats as my favorite deck, yet the colors and the pictures are quite attractive. Plus, the set comes with a little book of meanings, directly associated with the Hanson-Roberts deck itself.
This looks like the perfect set to travel with. But of course, why would I wait to take a trip to use it? That's just crazy talk. So here's a brief reading, using my new deck.
One card pull.
What do I need to be aware of this week?
Five of Pentacles
Ack. Not a good card. Shows a man who has definitely seen better days. His health is fading. I think this card indicates that I may not feel at my best this week. I know I've been tired a lot lately. I keep telling myself I'll go back to using supplements. But I don't.
I should heed this card and do exactly what my little voice has been telling me. Pay attention! Take those vitamins!
Okay, little voice. I will.
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