It's In The Cards

Consulting the cards has become a way of life for me. This is the place where I write about my readings, their meanings, and all other types of divination.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Joseph Ernest Martin

Joseph Ernest Martin is the designer of The Quest Tarot. If you've not seen the deck, it's beautifully illustrated and images can be found at And for those familiar with the deck, you'll know it can be quite comprehensive as it also ties in numerology and crystals in with regular tarot images for an in depth reading.

Every so often, Joseph Ernest Martin comes through town to be part of the Reno Psychic Fair. This weekend, there was a mini-fair, and I was surprised to see him listed as one of maybe 7 readers available. I told a friend about him, and we decided to go see him.

Right now, there isn't anything extremely pressing in my life that I felt I needed to know about. I thought about what I would want to know, and decided to ask for a general reading; to check in with where I'm at on my path, what's next, etc.

When we got to the fair, my friend knew right away that Joseph Ernest Martin was the one she wanted a reading from. To be fair, we walked around just in case another reader jumped out at us...but none did. was JEM for us.

We signed up, she first, me second. The first reading available was forty-five minutes away, so we looked around and talked. She pointed out a scam reader that was there: Renee. I have never received good vibes from her when I 've walked past, so never sat down with her. However, I had another friend taken in by her, and let Gloria know she wasn't the first, but thank goodness she didn't allow herself to be scammed (Renee seems to have some real skill, but then she always ruins it by saying crap like "you have a curse on you; for $65 dollars more I can remove it!").

It was finally time for our readings. My friend went first, and I walked away to give her some privacy. The few times I glanced over, she seemed happy. Then it was my turn.

When asked, I told JEM I just wanted to know how I was doing...what was next on my path. My reading, while not bad, was not really good, either. The basics: I need to reign it in where money is concerned. This is something I knew already, as I am making less now than I was at my previous place of employment. However, I didn't tell him this, but the cards definitely showed it.

He stressed that it was very important for me not to be extravagant in the next few months. He said I needed to make wise choices and try really hard not to buy things I don't need. He also stated that my money situation would not change next year (something else I knew and didn't tell him), but that things would be somewhat better next year.

He said now was a time to have "me" time. He said the recent past showed that I had been busy reaching a goal (and I was; I put every ounce of energy I had into finding another job). Now that the goal has been met, the rest of 2008 should be focused on rest and recuperation. He instructed me to take classes, read books, spend time with myself. He cautioned that it was not the time to pursue new things or to pile on any more activity. It was simply time to enjoy myself and to rest up from the activity that preceeded reaching my goal.

He then stated that 2009 would be a time of more activity. He said that I should be sure to get back into working out in 2009. He said it wouldn't hurt to do it now, but that I really needed to focus on that come the new year. He stated that my job seemed secure for now, however I needed to be sure the people at work were confident in my abilities. He gave me some tips on how to accomplish that.

I had more time left, so he asked if there was anything else I wanted to know about. I told him that I wasn't concerned about romance, but was curious what was on the horizon. He said there was definitely new love on the horizon, however I would have to work for it. He said that I needed to express love and interest...and not just expect that love would just happen (not that I expect it to happen that way, anyway!). He said it was there...but it was only there if I reached for it and took a more active role in meeting people.

Once again, I believe Joseph Ernest Martin hit it out of the ballpark. This is my second reading with him, and I know he was right on. I just wished the reading was more looks like the coming year will still be difficult for me, just in different ways than the last.

When oh when are things going to turn around for me? I probably should have asked...