It's In The Cards

Consulting the cards has become a way of life for me. This is the place where I write about my readings, their meanings, and all other types of divination.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Love Spread

Another girl I know is keenly interested in her love live, or rather, the possibility that she'll have a love life. This reading was a bit more difficult for me, because I know of this girl's struggles with finding love. I prayed before the reading that both the God and the Goddess would help me to give a clear reading, and not put my own feelings into it.

I, of course, chose to do a Love Spread. Here's the layout:

(Card 1)

(Card 2)

(Card 3)

(Card 4) (Card 5) (Card 6)

And here's the reading (using the Whimsical Tarot):

Card 1: Your past experience in love.
Ten of Cups shows a prince carrying a princess over a threshold. I think you have a rather romanticized idea of love, based on what you may have seen in your family. I also get a feeling that you may have had a very good relationship with someone in the past. Whatever the case, it has left you with a rather idealized version of what love is/should be.

Card 2: Your current experience in love.
Seven of Cups. This card shows several forks in a road, and a road sign with arrows pointing in all sorts of different directions. I think that you've been getting a lot of mixed signals lately. It's left you feeling confused and lost.

Card 3: What you want from a love relationship.
Seven of Pentacles: This shows a girl tending to her garden. I get the impression that you'd like someone to tend to, and someone who will tend to you, too. I also get the impression that you want to grow *with* someone.

Card 4: What you need from a love relationship.
Ace of Cups. Interesting card for this position, as Ace signifies the beginning, and Cups is the emotions suit. In some ways, I guess that applies, as I feel you just simply want to begin a relationship in general. The caution here is that you may just choose anyone in your haste. Be careful, exercise good judgment. The Ace of Cups also signifies that the cup runneth over; I think you want a love relationship that fills you up so much that you will bubble over with joy.

Card 5: What you have to give to your lover.
Nine of Rods. This card shows a boy sleeping next to his horn. I think it serves to remind you to take responsibility and keep a watchful eye on your emotions in a relationship so that they don't go away. This card doesn't seem to directly apply to the position (i.e. what you have to give your lover). I think you have a lot to give, and this card reminds you to keep it all in check. Don't overwhelm your lover, so that he falls asleep.

Card 6: Possible future experience in love.
Eight of Swords. Swords is usually a suit of conflict and/or intellect. This card, once again, shows someone sleeping. The man looks as if he had been running, and fell down. He had been hunting; his dog is sniffing his injured leg. My impression is that you're the hunter, and you're looking so hard for love that you end up getting injured in the process. I caution you to take it easy, and let it come to you. Don't hunt it down, because by chasing it so fast, you may be blinded by what's right in front of you (like this guy; he fell over a stump or something, and it knocked him out).

Keep in mind that Card 6 is "possible." You can make changes in your life to prevent this from happening.

Take a step back. Don't chase love; let it come to you. Be yourself and be happy being yourself. Then and only then will you get the type of love you're looking for.


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