Feeling "cardy," I decided to do a three-card pull on myself. Wasn't sure what to ask the cards, so I basically did a pull for tomorrow. This is what I have (we'll see how it pans out tomorrow):
Morning: The Hierophant
Dang. I always hate pulling this card, mostly because I can never really remember what it signifies. After all, "Hierophant" is not a word used in everyday language... because I couldn't remember, I went to The Source and this is what it told me: "The Hierophant is a symbol of the need to conform to rules or fixed situations. His appearance in a reading can show that you are struggling with a force that is not innovative, free-spirited or individual." Very accurate about my work situation, which of course I'll be in tomorrow morning (God willing...).
Afternoon: The Fool
Oh yes, go ahead. Laugh. Make jokes. "PJammy is going to be a fool in the afternoon." Yeah, whatever. Now let's get down to biddyness: The Fool signifies the beginning of something... but he also reminds the querant to keep the faith and trust natural responses. I think I'm going with the second meaning, more because I'm using it in a daily pull, and not in a more complicated reading.
Evening: Three of Pentacles
Hmmm...this is a card of teamwork, and since I'm alone at home this week (hunky is taking classes in Long Beach, lucky duck), I'm not sure why "teamwork" would be my evening card. It could represent planning and preparation, though, too... but I have no idea what I need to "plan" and "prepare" for... oh wait. I think I just got it. Okay, not ready to write it all out here, but yes, I can see how that might apply...
Morning: The Hierophant
Dang. I always hate pulling this card, mostly because I can never really remember what it signifies. After all, "Hierophant" is not a word used in everyday language... because I couldn't remember, I went to The Source and this is what it told me: "The Hierophant is a symbol of the need to conform to rules or fixed situations. His appearance in a reading can show that you are struggling with a force that is not innovative, free-spirited or individual." Very accurate about my work situation, which of course I'll be in tomorrow morning (God willing...).
Afternoon: The Fool
Oh yes, go ahead. Laugh. Make jokes. "PJammy is going to be a fool in the afternoon." Yeah, whatever. Now let's get down to biddyness: The Fool signifies the beginning of something... but he also reminds the querant to keep the faith and trust natural responses. I think I'm going with the second meaning, more because I'm using it in a daily pull, and not in a more complicated reading.
Evening: Three of Pentacles
Hmmm...this is a card of teamwork, and since I'm alone at home this week (hunky is taking classes in Long Beach, lucky duck), I'm not sure why "teamwork" would be my evening card. It could represent planning and preparation, though, too... but I have no idea what I need to "plan" and "prepare" for... oh wait. I think I just got it. Okay, not ready to write it all out here, but yes, I can see how that might apply...
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