It's In The Cards

Consulting the cards has become a way of life for me. This is the place where I write about my readings, their meanings, and all other types of divination.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


After writing about my psychic fair experience, I remembered how that weekend one thought kept running through my mind: "I should've just gotten a reading from Carrie at Pathways."

Strangely, I had reason to be near Pathways on Tuesday. As I drove by the shopping center on my way to the gym, I felt a gentle, almost imperceptible, nudge... "Go into Pathways."

Against my will (which felt I needed to burn calories more than I needed yet another book or set of tarot cards), I went. When I was inside the store, I saw that the daily reader was Carrie.


She was giving a reading when I walked in, so I immediately headed for the tarot card section and began to browse. At some point, one of the sales people came over and asked if she could help me find anything in particular. I said no... and then said "But I notice that Carrie is the reader today. Are there any openings?"

The woman was pretty sure there was, as someone had cancelled. So, she looked over at the book and said "Yes, in fact, she has an opening now."

She called Carrie over, and Carrie immediately recognized me. She even remembered that I am a Scorpio. She ushered me into her little alcove, and asked me if I had a specific question.

I told her that really all I wanted to know was what was going on with me. I told her about the break-in and the relationship break. Then I added that not everything had been bad; that I had gotten a raise at work and more responsibility.

Right away she said that the Spirit was telling her that the break-in was over; that the place was now safer to approach. She gave me some advice (which was very similar to what Random had told me), and then started the reading.

The reading also confirmed much of what she told me about the cottage. That the break-in was awful, but looked like it was all in the past. That some protective measures needed to be taken on my part, but that the Spirit assured me that I didn't have to unload the place in order to feel safe.

As for Todd, he showed up in the reading several times. She said that he is very torn; that he is desperately afraid of losing me, but that he is also unsure about whether or not I'm the right person for him. (I knew that, but it is interesting that the cards confirmed it.)

She said that the cards showed him to be rather selfish when it came to our relationship... Again, that he didn't want to really give me up, but that he didn't want to give up his rights to date others, either. Oh, and that he didn't really want me to get involved with anyone else, either, while he figures this out.

She added that she got a message from the Spirit right then to tell me that I should not be afraid to end things if I felt I needed to. She said that there would always be someone else for me, and the Spirit wanted me to be aware of that. She said that I would have no problem finding someone else if that's what I wanted.

More cards seemed to indicate that I would have to be the one to be firm. In other words, that I would probably have to make the end decision, whatever that turns out to be. Leave him. Stay with him. She stated that the Spirit wanted me to know that I should be aware that I have the strength to make the decision when the time comes.

There were some other things, too, regarding my job (it will get better) and money (somehow I have some coming to me... tax return, maybe? I haven't filed yet.) But, the two main things I was to take away from the reading was that Todd might not ever really get his crap together when it comes to me. He wants me, but he doesn't. He doesn't want anyone else to have me while he makes he decision (that was the "selfish" and "self-centered" part of the reading). The cards also indicated that now is not the time to get rid of the cottage... and I take it that is because I'll need some place to live after Todd dumps me (I say that sarcastically; it sounds like if there is any dumping to be done, it'll be done by me).

It was strange... this was the third reading I've had from Carrie, and it was the first time I was actually nervous when I sat down. My hands trembled a bit when I shuffled the cards... I don't know what I thought she might see in the reading, but I think I was a little scared at what she might see.

After the reading, though, I felt a bit of peace. More so about the cottage than the relationship.

The relationship hasn't really been peaceful for some time, and I don't expect a reading would affect that. However, the one thing it did do for me is to assure me that no matter what happens, I will be okay.


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