It's In The Cards

Consulting the cards has become a way of life for me. This is the place where I write about my readings, their meanings, and all other types of divination.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Two New Decks

I am the proud owner of two new Tarot decks. The first is a deck I've lusted after for about a year. It's the Tarot of the Journey to the Orient deck. Now, I'm not normally attracted to Oriental-style art and objects. However, this deck captured my attention and hasn't let it go. So, when Llewellyn sent me an email to let me know they were selling this deck for $5, I had to get it.

Imagine my distress when I got a notice from Llewellyn saying that their sale was an overwhelming success, and unfortunately for me, they didn't have any decks left. They also let me know that it was now considered out of print, and if I wanted it, I should get it from another vendor before this deck dropped off the face of the earth.

I found an Amazon vendor that was selling it for an excellent price, so I jumped on it right away. It finally came today, about three weeks after ordering it. I have to say, I am very pleased with the deck. It's everything I imagined and more.

The other deck is one I only recently became aware of: Tarot of the Thousand and One Nights. This deck has mixed reviews, yet has been in the back of my mind as a potential "must have" deck for a couple of months now. The so-called bad reviews aren't even really bad: they're mostly buyers who are disappointed in the smallness of the pictures. See, the deck has beautiful, intricate, finely detailed pictures, however Lo Scarabeo shrunk them to fit on their standard-sized cards. So... a lot of the detail is difficult to see.

Another complaint is that there is no accompanying book and the LWB that comes with the deck is quite inferior and doesn't supply full meanings to the cards and pictures.

Despite the complaints, I was interested and so when I received a 30% off coupon from Borders, I decided to use it on this deck (as Amazon sells it for list price).

Let me first say this is a beautiful deck. The colors are rich and layered. The detail is amazing. However, I do agree with the bulk of the reviewers: the size of the cards do not do the pictures justice. I know Lo Scarabeo always publishes their decks in the same size, however they would've done well to have made an exception with this deck.

Considering I'm not making any money right now, I really outta lay off the new deck buying spree. I think these decks just might take away my need to buy least for the time being.


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