King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles obviously stands for hunky (the man who loves me and supports me, both emotionally and financially). The King of Pentacles in this particular deck looks worn out and tired. Hunky has felt tired lately. He's unsure if it's the start of a bout of depression, or just the tiredness from knowing that he has a lot to do, and no inclination to do it.
This card reminds me to pay some attention to hunky. Last night we didn't connect at all; a phone call interrupted our short time together, so I didn't see him again after he left for a meeting last night (because I, as usual, went to bed aroun 9 pm).
The good news is, I won some tickets for a comedy show here in town. So, guess who'll be spending some time with hunky? Um, for you slow ones out there, that would be me.
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