It's In The Cards

Consulting the cards has become a way of life for me. This is the place where I write about my readings, their meanings, and all other types of divination.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Hanged Man

I haven't done a daily pull in a few days. I had two major readings done on me Sunday, and hadn't felt the need. Today, though, I felt the need.

I pulled out my favorite deck and asked the same old question: What do I need to be aware of today? The card I pulled? The Hanged Man.

At first glance, I thought "Inactivity." But, then something nagged at me, so I went and looked up the meaning. A portion of the definition really stood out: "In readings, the Hanged Man reminds us that the best approach to a problem is not always the most obvious. When we most want to force our will on someone, that is when we should release. When we most want to have our own way, that is when we should sacrifice. When we most want to act, that is when we should wait. The irony is that by making these contradictory moves, we find what we are looking for."

This last part stood out and stopped me in my tracks. Last night, I learned how to do a simple love spell using a candle. Since things have been so rocky between hunky and I, I planned on taking what I learned and putting it into action. I believe pulling this card when I did was the Universe's way of telling me "don't do it yet."

So I won't.

The important thing is, I know how to do it if I need to, though...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

What's Going On?

For the last week, hunky and I have been bickering like Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie. I don't know what's wrong. I have been able to figure out that a lot of it is me... still, I'm not sure what's going on. To help clear away the fog, I did a simple three-card spread today:

1) Past: The Moon
A card of anxiety. Fear. Illusion.

I don't know that I'm feeling particularly anxiety-ridden or fearful. Perhaps this card has to do more with him than me. I do sometimes operate under the illusion that all is well at the Snuggle Ranch, but in reality, we have some serious problems.

2) Present: Death
Ahhh. Well, this card signifies a change coming or an end of a journey. I prefer to think this card doesn't mean a death to our relationship... hopefully it means death to the bickering. Or the situation causing the bickering.

I know I'm feeling smothered lately. I feel as if I have absolutely no freedom to do what I want. Even a simple act like watching a 30 minute TV show that I like is invaded. I feel like I can't breathe and that leaves me lashing out.

3) Future: Ten of Cups
An emotions card. Shows a happy couple surrounded by dancing. It's a card of peace and family. This card signifies that hunky and I will work out our problem... I just wish today I knew how we are going to accomplish that!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Four of Wands

Today I just did a regular one-card pull, using Tarot of White Cats (of course!). I asked the deck if there was anything I should know/be aware of today, and I pulled the Four of Wands.

The card depicts two cats sharing a basket of food. In front of them is a garland of flowers and greenery, held up by the four wands. The cats are a bit away from the village; this clearly looks like some sort of picnic or small celebration.

The card is one of celebration, excitement and freedom. For me, I believe the card is the latter: freedom. I am planning an escape. Plus, my boss isn't in today, and the office is always a bit more relaxed when he's gone.

Freedom. It' s just another word for nothing left to lose.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Five of Cups

I've had a run of good luck lately, so I decided to ask the cards if it was going to last much longer. I pulled the Five of Cups.

Uh oh.

The cat on the card is clearly grieving over some sort of loss. At his feet are three overturned empty cups. The other two could be full... or could be empty. It's difficult to tell.

Now, I could read this card literally and say I have two more good luck episodes ahead of me until the bad starts surrounding me again... or I can just tell by the cat that it's over already.

Intuitively, I think this card is telling me it's over already. But oh! how I'd love for there to be two more good luck adventures in front of me!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Dee Dee

Okay. Well. I saw a picture of a dog on a local rescue organization's website the other day, and I keep visiting her. So... I did a two-card tarot pull to see what the cards had to say about her:

Card 1: Dee Dee's personality
Six of Cups

Innocence. Good will. A childlike heart. Sounds like she's got a wonderful personality. But how will she fit in our household?

Card 2: How will Dee Dee fit in our household?
Three of Pentacles

This is a card of teamwork. It could also signify not rushing in... plan before doing. However, intuitively, I don't get that feeling when I look at the card. Instead, I see three cats working well together. Dee Dee would make our third dog. I believe this card shows that she will work well with the other two.

Now the question remaining is how will I get to Incline Village before she's adopted out to someone else??? I'm not sure the cards can answer that!