It's In The Cards

Consulting the cards has become a way of life for me. This is the place where I write about my readings, their meanings, and all other types of divination.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Feeling "cardy," I decided to do a three-card pull on myself. Wasn't sure what to ask the cards, so I basically did a pull for tomorrow. This is what I have (we'll see how it pans out tomorrow):

Morning: The Hierophant
Dang. I always hate pulling this card, mostly because I can never really remember what it signifies. After all, "Hierophant" is not a word used in everyday language... because I couldn't remember, I went to The Source and this is what it told me: "The Hierophant is a symbol of the need to conform to rules or fixed situations. His appearance in a reading can show that you are struggling with a force that is not innovative, free-spirited or individual." Very accurate about my work situation, which of course I'll be in tomorrow morning (God willing...).

Afternoon: The Fool
Oh yes, go ahead. Laugh. Make jokes. "PJammy is going to be a fool in the afternoon." Yeah, whatever. Now let's get down to biddyness: The Fool signifies the beginning of something... but he also reminds the querant to keep the faith and trust natural responses. I think I'm going with the second meaning, more because I'm using it in a daily pull, and not in a more complicated reading.

Evening: Three of Pentacles
Hmmm...this is a card of teamwork, and since I'm alone at home this week (hunky is taking classes in Long Beach, lucky duck), I'm not sure why "teamwork" would be my evening card. It could represent planning and preparation, though, too... but I have no idea what I need to "plan" and "prepare" for... oh wait. I think I just got it. Okay, not ready to write it all out here, but yes, I can see how that might apply...

What The Future Holds

During my one-on-one advanced training with my Risting instructor on Friday, he told me that he believes that I have a lot of potential and he can't wait to see it realized.

He knows that I am insanely interested in Tarot, and believes that there is a future for me in reading the cards for others. I, however, am not as sure as he is, mainly because I simply don't study the cards like I probably should.

He told me that I should charge to read, even for friends. I'm not so sure, though... I think I need much more practice before I can even start dreaming of charging.

But you know what? It sure is a nice dream to have...


A friend of mine made an impulsive move: she quit her job. She wasn't planning on it; she needs the money. But, the job was just one big aggravation after another, and when her co-worker quit and the decision was made not to hire a replacement, but to pile the work on my friend instead, she quit.

Good for her. She's started her own business, and now it's time for her to let loose.

I felt moved to pull some cards for her, though, seeing as she is somewhat unnerved at her own moxie. This is the reading I gave to her (and of course I used Tarot of White Cats for this reading):

Card 1: The World
This card shows you are in a position to realize your heart's desire. I believe this card confirms quitting was the absolute right thing to do. But don't be scared about this next card:

Card 2: Five of Pentacles
This card shows you'll be facing some hard times. I have a feeling those hard times won't last long because the third card is:

Card 3: Two of Chalices (Cups)
This card represents the power of two. In looking at it, I get two very distinct impressions: 1) your husband will be an important part of whatever happens next and 2) make the most of your connections. So, look for the connections in your life, especially those that are one-on-one.

I feel good about the reading; I just hope the second card doesn't scare her too much... even though she actually expects that to happen, she, of course, hopes it doesn't.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Astral Travel

Last week, I mentioned that I was about to embark on an astral travel exercise in class. I was really looking forward to it.

The night of class, only three of students showed up (me, included). We discovered that one person dropped out, another was working different hours so was taking individual instruction, and another changed jobs and might not be attending much as a result. Kind of odd how, after several months, a few just disappeared so quickly, but I guess it happens...

Anyway, the instructor led us through a guided meditation to take us to the crossroads (I'm still a bit unsure as to what the importance of the crossroads is), and to show us the place where we'll be traveling to more frequently to do magic and whatnot in our astral lives.

He began the meditation by asking us to become air. As he described it, I could feel myself crumbling up into air bound molecules, and felt myself whirling around in the air. He continued to guide us, but I was having so much fun swirling around in the air I couldn't concentrate on him anymore. I felt like I was on an amusement park body felt as if it was in motion, and I was twirling and moving and swirling around. It was fun...but I totally lost the meditation at that point.

I tried periodically to get back to where he was leading us, and once in awhile I'd see something (like I did see the crossroads and the pole, but I wasn't actually there, as I was still air bound). At some point, I fell asleep, much as I used to when I was a kid in the backseat of the family car.

When our instructor guided us out of our meditation, I woke up and became one with my body again. However, when he went around the room to ask us about specific parts of our experience ("What did the crossroads look like?" "Did you see the forest?" "What kind of pole did you see?"), I had to embarrassingly answer that I wasn't able to follow his meditation because I was playing around in the air.

I really wish I had been able to be more grounded during the meditation. My classmates who were able to stay with it really seemed to get a lot out of it. While I got something too (a feeling of freedom and fun), I don't have anything concrete to work with, and that's somewhat disappointing.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Six of Chalices

Deck: Tarot of White Cats
One Card Pull
Question: What do I need to be aware of today?
Card: Six of Chalices (Cups)

Hmmm...when I first pulled this card, I thought, "I wonder if I'm going to get a present from Todd?" However, that thought was immediately pushed away and I thought of my Risting instructor instead. What could he be giving me?

Well, tonight is class, and I'm thinking I will probably not get a literal gift, but instead perhaps a gift of insight. I might be closer to right than I think; if I remember correctly, we are going to do an astral projection exercise tonight.

Time will tell...