It's In The Cards

Consulting the cards has become a way of life for me. This is the place where I write about my readings, their meanings, and all other types of divination.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Hermit

Tonight I'm going out with my hunky and his visiting sister. We have a big night planned: dinner and a show. It's been a harried and frenetic few days, so I asked the cards "What should I be aware of tonight?"

I pulled The Hermit.

The Hermit frequently signifies a need for time alone. However, it also can represent searching and guidance.

I don't think the latter two apply to my evening.

I do know I need some time alone. I also know there is no way I'm getting it tonight; as soon as I get home, we have to leave to pick up hunky's sister from her hotel. We're going straight to dinner, then to the show.

So if I'm not getting alone time tonight, and I know I'm not getting it, what does this card mean? That I should be aware I need time? Should I take time tomorrow? I really have no idea... I hate it when that happens.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

New Dog?

Hunky and I have been talking about getting a friend for Spencer. We don't know if he really needs a friend; he just gets so sad when Glindy is gone for service dog training.

Today we looked. And looked. And looked. We didn't get a dog, but I was curious as to what the cards have to say about getting a dog. It felt as if I should draw three cards:

Halloween Tarot

1) Knight of Imps (Wands)
This card represents Glindy. The Knight of Wands has a lot of her characteristics, although certainly not all of them.

2) Page of Ghosts (Cups)
This card definitely represents Spencer; loving, emotional, intuitive.

3) Seven of Pumpkins (Pentacles)
Card of rest. Of taking stock. I think this card is saying that right now, everything is fine between Glindy & Spencer. He may miss her when she's gone, but we need to really take stock of the situation before we adopt another dog.

Friday, January 27, 2006

The LiveJournal Drama Spread

So much drama in such a little time. In honor of it all, I designed the LiveJournal Drama Spread.

Deck: Halloween Tarot

Last week: Two of Imps (Wands)
Power struggle is what I see in this card. And basically, that's what the drama was all about. One person wanted all the control (including wanting to control who got what "friends"). The other person put up a fight. Struggle. Yeah, this card is right on.

This weekend: Death
The ending of an era. Lots of friendships ended this past week. In reality, they were already on the death march. The people lost this week weren't real friends and hadn't been for quite some time. If they can be bought off, so to speak, then they have no place in my heart anyway.

Next week: Ace of Bats (Swords)
Swords: conflict; Aces: beginnings. This card is letting me know this battle isn't really over. There are more hurdles coming. In this card, a bat is hanging from a woman's finger. Interestingly, the finger is pointing in a direction. I think this card is telling me that yes, there will be hurdles but I have to just move right through them. Face them head on.

I can hang in there... just like the bat.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

King of Pentacles

Man, I didn't even have to think twice about this card (drawn from my new Hanson-Roberts deck).

The King of Pentacles obviously stands for hunky (the man who loves me and supports me, both emotionally and financially). The King of Pentacles in this particular deck looks worn out and tired. Hunky has felt tired lately. He's unsure if it's the start of a bout of depression, or just the tiredness from knowing that he has a lot to do, and no inclination to do it.

This card reminds me to pay some attention to hunky. Last night we didn't connect at all; a phone call interrupted our short time together, so I didn't see him again after he left for a meeting last night (because I, as usual, went to bed aroun 9 pm).

The good news is, I won some tickets for a comedy show here in town. So, guess who'll be spending some time with hunky? Um, for you slow ones out there, that would be me.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Ace of Pentacles

Today, my new Hanson-Roberts deck called out to me, so I put Tarot of White Cats back into its box, pulled out my Hanson-Roberts deck, and did my thang.

I pulled the Ace of Pentacles. At first I thought "Money suit. Prosperity." Then I remembered that Aces signify beginnings.

The suit of Pentacles isn't just about money. It's about abundance (and lack of). It's about security.

In thinking about my day yesterday, and how that could transfer over to today, I think the Ace of Pentacles is telling me I am about to head in a new direction, with regards to abundance and security. The abundance I am most concerned about is friends. I have felt a lack lately, and yet, I also feel that I'm getting in deeper with some relationships that I've had for awhile.

Money is good, but friends? Friends make the world go 'round.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Nine of Pentacles

Whenever I pull this card, I rarely focus in on the falcon perched on the refined lady's arm. So, it usually takes me awhile to take in this card.

Today was no exception.

The bird does blend in with the colors of the garment on the lady, and also the background. Yet, it is there: the bird trained to hunt and kill on demand.

I see that in many ways, I am like that lady. While this woman is more refined than I, traits of refinement are in me. Yet, I have that rough side... that killer side.

I think this card is reminding me to control the killer instinct. To let things go, and just move on.

I actually thought I had moved on, but perhaps a few remnants remain. I will take care to notice them, and squash them, because they are no longer needed.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Tarot To Go!

Last night, hunky took me to Barnes & Noble. His motives weren't altruistic; he had to go pee, and knew they had clean bathrooms. I, however, took full advantage of a trip to a bookstore, and quickly headed for the New Age area.

What I found was this little Tarot To Go! set, featuring a miniature version of the Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck, a deck I've been coveting for some time now. At $7.95, the price was right, so I decided right then and there the set was mine.

I ran into a bit of luck at B&N. My Risting Tradition instructor was there, working the till. He called me over, and gave me a discount on the set. Woohoo!

When I got home, I broke open the set. The cards are simply lovely. I'm not sure they'll replace Tarot of White Cats as my favorite deck, yet the colors and the pictures are quite attractive. Plus, the set comes with a little book of meanings, directly associated with the Hanson-Roberts deck itself.

This looks like the perfect set to travel with. But of course, why would I wait to take a trip to use it? That's just crazy talk. So here's a brief reading, using my new deck.

One card pull.
What do I need to be aware of this week?
Five of Pentacles

Ack. Not a good card. Shows a man who has definitely seen better days. His health is fading. I think this card indicates that I may not feel at my best this week. I know I've been tired a lot lately. I keep telling myself I'll go back to using supplements. But I don't.

I should heed this card and do exactly what my little voice has been telling me. Pay attention! Take those vitamins!

Okay, little voice. I will.
Instead of doing my usual one-card daily pull, I thought I'd try something different that I saw on a tarot website. It's a three-card pull for the day. Let's see how this works out for me:

Deck: Tarot of White Cats

Morning: Ten of Cups

Cups. The suit of emotions. This card shows a happy family. All is well. Not sure how this actually relates to my morning, except that I did send off a card to my parents this morning. Maybe that will have some significance on their end that I'm not aware of.

Afternoon: Eight of Cups

This is going to be an emotion-filled day! Of course, the first card stands means peace & joy. And so far, my morning has been relatively peaceful.

Eight of Cups, on the other hand, is a card that shows a cat on a journey. He is weary... you can see it in his stance. I am sometimes weary on the job... it feels like I am going nowhere fast. Reno is not the kind of place where opportunities abound. I think of finding another job, but realize that I probably won't have it as good as I have it here... and that's kind of sad, because I don't have it so good here! But, the people are nice and the three-day weekends are nothing to sneeze at. Still... it can be a wearisome trek at times.

Evening: The Hierophant

I think I've pulled this card enough lately to finally remember its meaning all on my own. This card is all about learning, beliefs, and conformity. Interestingly enough, I bought an excellent book about Celtic Christianity that I hope to delve into tonight... again, more searching. More research. More learning.

Verdict on this spread? It's okay. I'll review it against how my day was tomorrow and see if it's one I'll do again.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sun, Moon, Stars

I'm trying a new spread tonight: Sun, Moon, Stars. I'm using my Halloween Tarot deck...

Let's see what I've got:

1) Sun - What you see clearly
Card: Queen of Bats (Swords)

The Queen of Swords represents me. And, over the last few days, I've really seen myself clearly. I wish others would, too, instead of relying on what someone else says about me. But you know... that's life. Some people don't think with their own heads... they are easily swayed by the lies of others.

2) Moon - What you're having a hard time seeing.
Card: Four of Imps (Wands)

This shows two couples. They look like they're dancing. This is a card of excitement & celebration & freedom. What I'm not seeing is that there is a certain freedom that comes from losing certain people and/or situations from my life.

3)Stars - What you wish will happen.
Queen of Imps (Wands)

Wow. Queen of Imps. Obviously, I WISH I was that woman... the one that everyone likes. The one that is involved in everything. I'm not that person, and I probably never will be.

Is wishing to be so such a bad thing, though?

Saturday, January 21, 2006

My Next Spiritual Step

Deck: Halloween Tarot

1) What is the next step on my path? What stage do I need to aim at and attain?
Card: Temperance

This card shows a witch concocting something in her cauldron. The mix must be "just so." She is following a recipe, but also making a mess.

Temperance is a card of combining forces and of balance. Honestly, not sure I actually see balance in the card, but to recipes are all about balance. I am following a new path of spirituality, and I'm mixing up a bit of this and a bit of that to find a balance. I think this card is simply telling me I'm doing the right thing, and to just keep on keepin' on.

2) What is being of hindrance? What is opposing my goal?
The Emperor

This card shows a very awake Frankenstein bound to a chair. He's not bound tightly though; only one chain, which I'm sure, if he tried hard enough, he could break (him being Frankenstein and all). My eyes are also drawn to a brain sitting in a glass vase. Is it his brain? It's readily available, yet just not there...

I know this card can be a fathering card, but it's also a card of regulation and structure. My hindrance (in spiritual things) is always structure and regulation. As I am a born-again Christian, what I was taught in the beginning of that path sometimes contradicts what I believe now. And I struggle with it periodically. As this card shows, though, the chain can be broken if I try hard enough.

3) What can be favourable? What can help me to success?
The Star

This is a card of hope, inspiration, and serenity. Honestly, I don't see it in the actual picture on this card. Serenity, that is. But, as a symbol, stars are something we wish on... which would signify hope and perhaps also inspiration.

By continuing to seek out spirituality, I can gain hope and serenity, which to me is really all the emotional comfort I need.

4) What attitudes should I leave behind? What aspects do I have to disregard?
Eight of Swords

Helplessness... yes, sometimes I feel helpless or bound by tradition. The form of Christianity I first discovered can be one of very tight chains. Sometimes I forget I'm no longer under those chains.

5) What attitudes ought I cultivate? What aspects do I need to focus on?
The Fool

We all know the Fool steps out onto his journey without a care in the world. I think this card signifies that I need to just step out on faith, and forget about old thought patterns that can hamper my spiritual quest.

Man. I love this spread. The cards really all seem to fit exactly where I'm headed. And the "warning" cards are right on the money as well.

I really am liking this Halloween Tarot. It might become a new favorite.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Page of Ghosts

Today I used my Halloween Tarot deck for my daily pull.

I asked it a question about my current situation. I pulled the Page of Ghosts (cups).

By looking at the card, I couldn't really tell what the card is all about. There's a boy in a ghost costume, staring at a cup with a fish coming out of it. I'm not really sure what the fish stands for; the card is similar in the Rider-Waite deck as well, with a fish coming out of a cup.

I really received no initial intuitive response... which I've come to know means HELPER CARD.

And the helper card is: Two of Pumpkins (pentacles).

I turned to a source to gleen more information about the Page of Ghosts. One sentence really stood out: "The Page of Cups can also stand for a child or young-at-heart adult whose interactions with you involve emotional needs, moodiness, love, intimacy or spirituality." I've been dealing with someone who is very childish in nature, and not in a good way. Their maturity level is childish, and when dealing with this person, I sometimes resort to a bit of childish behavior myself, because acting like an adult doesn't get me anywhere.

Of course, acting like a child doesn't, either.

The Two of Pumpkins is a card of balance and fun. It shows a jester juggling two pumpkins... but the pumpkins are within a band, so the jester is not going to lose either pumpkin.

I had a bit of fun in dealing with this childish person, but I believe this card is telling me to remember that while fun is good, it might be time to back off. Balance is the key.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The King of Swords

How fitting to choose my King today.

The King of Swords is: intellectual, analytical, articulare, just, and ethical.

Today I am none of those things.

Oh, I'm not a complete degenerate. It's just that I did something kind of impish today... and while it brings me great glee, it might also not have been the right thing to do.

The King of Swords implored me not to engage in impish antics. However, I ignored him.

Will it come back and bite me in the butt? Probably... but I still had fun.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Lovers

Normally, this card refers to a strong love relationship. However, this card also refers to personal beliefs and values; today, I believe this card should be read re: the latter meanings.

Last night, I once again found out that my other journal had been compromised. Without going into all the drama-infused details, it happened because there is either 1) someone on my friends list who is still actively stabbing me in the back or 2) someone who just can't let bygones be bygones and feels the need to electronically stalk me day after day, week after week, because of my own personal belief/value system.

I am often quite frank in my journal. Heck, it's my journal. I prefer typing to handwriting, so it's quite cathartic for me to just let it all out via the keyboard. However, my sometimes unpopular opinions get me in hot water with the LJ trolls. So, frick them. I found a new place to let it all hang out. I can go commando here on Blogger and not feel any of the repurcussions I get on LiveJournal.

I've discovered, the hard way, that I can't be responsible for people who refuse to grow up. Some people take the opinions of others much too seriously. Well, as I said "frick them." As for me and my opinions, we've moved elsewhere.

Oh mind you, the move didn't happen because I'm scared of them. Or intimidated by them. No, they're just starting to bore me with their drama.

And we all know, the Queen of Swords hates to be bored.