Deck: Halloween Tarot
1) What is the next step on my path? What stage do I need to aim at and attain?
Card: Temperance
This card shows a witch concocting something in her cauldron. The mix must be "just so." She is following a recipe, but also making a mess.
Temperance is a card of combining forces and of balance. Honestly, not sure I actually see balance in the card, but to recipes are all about balance. I am following a new path of spirituality, and I'm mixing up a bit of this and a bit of that to find a balance. I think this card is simply telling me I'm doing the right thing, and to just keep on keepin' on.
2) What is being of hindrance? What is opposing my goal?
The Emperor
This card shows a very awake Frankenstein bound to a chair. He's not bound tightly though; only one chain, which I'm sure, if he tried hard enough, he could break (him being Frankenstein and all). My eyes are also drawn to a brain sitting in a glass vase. Is it his brain? It's readily available, yet just not there...
I know this card can be a fathering card, but it's also a card of regulation and structure. My hindrance (in spiritual things) is always structure and regulation. As I am a born-again Christian, what I was taught in the beginning of that path sometimes contradicts what I believe now. And I struggle with it periodically. As this card shows, though, the chain can be broken if I try hard enough.
3) What can be favourable? What can help me to success?
The Star
This is a card of hope, inspiration, and serenity. Honestly, I don't see it in the actual picture on this card. Serenity, that is. But, as a symbol, stars are something we wish on... which would signify hope and perhaps also inspiration.
By continuing to seek out spirituality, I can gain hope and serenity, which to me is really all the emotional comfort I need.
4) What attitudes should I leave behind? What aspects do I have to disregard?
Eight of Swords
Helplessness... yes, sometimes I feel helpless or bound by tradition. The form of Christianity I first discovered can be one of very tight chains. Sometimes I forget I'm no longer under those chains.
5) What attitudes ought I cultivate? What aspects do I need to focus on?
The Fool
We all know the Fool steps out onto his journey without a care in the world. I think this card signifies that I need to just step out on faith, and forget about old thought patterns that can hamper my spiritual quest.
Man. I love this spread. The cards really all seem to fit exactly where I'm headed. And the "warning" cards are right on the money as well.
I really am liking this Halloween Tarot. It might become a new favorite.